Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction » tourism | 23 September 2008
It's impossible for a single guidebook to completely cover a country as massive and diverse as America, but Frommer's USA comes close. Sure, some will quibble with destination choices (for example, the editors mention Martha's Vineyard, but not Nantucket) but overall, this 1,000-plus-page tome hits the mark. Chapters focus on both major cities and larger regions (New England, Southern California, etc.), covering such basics as activities, lodging, and affordable restaurants, and doing so in excruciating detail (admission prices, hours of operation, directions, whether or not a hotel has valet parking). You'll also find plenty of full-page maps and quirky little sidebars (gourmet food stores in Napa, best Chicago blues bars). As if that weren't enough, there's an online travel directory with Web addresses for everything from Ticketmaster to Zagat's to Amtrak. If you plan on seeing even a sliver of what this country has to offer, take this guidebook with you.
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 11 August 2008
One moment Conrad Schwartz was a hungover hiker in the mountains of modern Poland, the next he was running for his life from an angry Teutonic knight.
At first Conrad just thought he'd stumbled across a mad hermit. But several days of ever stranger events convinced him that he had somehow been stranded in A.D 1231.
And that meant Conrad had to turn Medieval Poland into the most powerful country in the world. Otherwise the Mongols were destined to destroy it-in just ten years!
A Compilation of Current Information on Economic, Cultural, Geographic, and Social Conditions.
Cities of the United States (CUS) provides a one-stop source for all the vital information you need on 189 of America's top cities-those fastest-growing, as well as those with a particular historical, political, industrial, and/or commercial significance. Spanning the entire country, from Anaheim to Virginia Beach, each geographically-arranged volume of CUS brings together a wide range of comprehensive data. The volumes include: The South; The West; The Midwest; and The Northeast.
More than 2,500 graphs, charts, maps, and photos that cover the most important and interesting facts about every country on the planet! Part atlas, part visual reference, and part world factbook, The Blackbirch Kid's Visual Reference of the World blends all these features into a concise, at-a-glance format that is uniquely suited to kids. (Which is not to say that adults may not find it an easily accessible source of information, too!)
Some highlights are: - Covers every country in the world - Every entry includes: maps, flag, size and population ranking indicator, at-a-glance vital statistics; charts and graphs on climate, industry, land use, ethnic groups, religion, education, and daily life - Special section of political, topographical, and thematic world maps
With the Iraqis working hard to resist a long-term U.S. occupation agreement, this week's Economist cover executes the latest version of "Mission Accomplished," reframing a potential American repudiation as the result of a country that -- through a new and profound capacity for self-healing -- might somehow not need our fixing anymore.
Forget that splits among Shiite factions are so severe as to continue threatening civil war, or that the delicate counterbalance between traditional Sunni factions and the Sunni Awakening groups created by the Americans is wearing thin in the face of upcoming elections, or that the country continues to move farther into the Iranian sphere.
With a small generator (drawing power for how many hours a day?) and a bit of varnish (also, the preferred palliative of the Administration), the initiative of the tradesman is meant to signify that Iraq is well on the way to making its own music once again. And then, I'm not sure how far The Economist meant to push the metaphor, but considering how America's "rescue" of Iraq mostly succeeded in setting off wide-scale looting, isn't it poetic that this craftsman is fashioning a lute?