Teachers agree , learning is easy when you’re having fun. This 2 CD-ROM set of premium software titles combines fun with proven educational principles to teach your child the fundamental concepts needed to excel in reading. Covering over 18 topics and introducing over 700 words, your child will grow with confidence as they master vowel sounds, consonant sounds, sight words, phonics rules, beginning reading, and other essential phonics concepts. Give your child the advantage they deserve with Phonics Excelerator.
Stephen Fry Presents a Selection of Oscar Wilde's Short Stories
Stephen Fry Presents a Selection of Oscar Wilde's Short Stories
"Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales continue to exert the same pull over the imagination and emotions as they did when he first read them to his children in the 1880s. Written with inspired poetic intensity and sudden flowerings of the matchless wit for which he is so well remembered, the stories combine the wisdom of parables with the impact of drama.
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support
CHILD, FAMILY, SCHOOL, COMMUNITY (CFSC) is intended for child, family, school, and community relations courses offered in both community and 4-year colleges. CFSC examines how the school, family, and community influence children's socialization.
A comprehensive book supported by extensive research studies and data, Bjorklund's text presents the broadest coverage of topics in cognitive development. Unlike other books, Bjorklund shows readers how developmental function can help explain individual differences in cognition by covering both the typical pattern of change in thinking observed over time and the individual differences in children's thinking in infancy and childhood. A major theme of this book is the continuous transaction between the embodied child embedded in a social world: although a child is born prepared to make some sense of the world, his or her mind is also shaped by forces in the physical and social environment.
To help your child develop good behaviour and moral values at an early age - 15 audio storybooks with stories from around the world develop values and entertain your child at the same time. Carefully written, the storybooks improve your child's reading skills and comprehension. - 15 audio CDs with recordings of all the stories help your child with accurate pronunciation while teaching important values.