Child Safety Coloring Book This booklet is designed to provide your child with basic safety information in a fun and interactive way. Your child will learn safety rules for staying home alone, what to do in the event of a fire, getting to school safely, and how to be responsible with friends.
Thorough. Accurate. Reliable. Engaging. These are just a few of the words used by adopters and reviewers of John Santrock’s Child Development. A new Connections theme shows how it all fits together in the most accurate and up-to-date topically-organized text in the field. Used by hundreds of thousands of students over twelve editions, Santrock's proven learning system provides a clear roadmap to content mastery.
This video brings the San Diego Zoo to life for your child. There are gorillas, and hippos, and bears, oh my. Children experience the beauty of brightly colored tropical birds and witness the first giant panda born at the Zoo. This Parents Magazine "Video of the Year" Award-Winner is a musical menagerie to stimulate your child's mind.
One way to improve children's language , poems and songs in English is. Collection of English Songs for Kids , a holder of more than 150 Children Hnk English language is a PDF file with text that has been available to learners. To use this, parents should use the PDF files and Rhythm audio tracks with the child until the child is able to exercise control over its own be able to write poetry and songs to sing about. This song, in addition to spelling and reading poetry, including educational materials, days of the week, colors, animals, and everyday conversations ...