Exams Extra provides authentic past papers, plus a wealth of extra material for use in the classroom or for self-study. This title contains a useful exam overview and helpful guidance on tackling each part of each paper.
The aim of this book is to enable students to do any writing tasks required of them from intermediate to upper-intermediate level,including First Certificate.
Practice in Structure and Usage contains abundant exercises designed to revise the material introduced in the years leading up to the Lower Certificate, or similar examinations. The exercises act as reinforcement and consolidation, and will be especially suited to independent study outside the classroom. The book meets the growing demand for drill and exercise work, to support students’ grammars, such as Millington Ward’s New Intermediate English Grammar (1972), and will be most useful to students preparing for the new Structure and Usage Paper.
Get your exam preparation off to a good start with a copy of Top Tips for FCE .Written by ESOL examiners with many years’ experience of setting and marking FCE, Top Tips for FCE provides candidates with essential advice (‘tips’) for each of the five FCE papers and comes in a convenient A5 format which is easy to use.