Of the many charges laid against contemporary literary scholars, one of the most common—and perhaps the most wounding—is that they simply don't love books. And while the most obvious response is that, no, actually the profession of literary studies does acknowledge and address personal attachments to literature, that answer risks obscuring a more fundamental question: Why should they?
Our new Foto English Lessons have 20 sets of our powerful, science-based lessons. That’s Vocabulary and Grammar lessons, our proprietary Listen & Answer Mini-Story lessons, Commentaries, and free bonus lessons from Flow English: Interviews and Foto English 2.
The Flow English: Advanced Lesson Set has 20 sets of our powerful, science-based lessons. That’s Vocabulary and Grammar lessons, our proprietary Listen & Answer Mini-Story lessons, Commentaries, and free bonus lessons from Flow English: Interviews and Foto English.
We are witnessing a convergence among advanced management concepts and practices. Performance management is a means to pull it all together, to understand the strengths and limitations of each management practice and leverage it for competitive advantage. Cokins' book walks us through all this in a manner that makes something confusing much less so. There is no one right answer for any situation. The answer lies in a balance of concepts and the integration of them. Performance Management is the glue that holds them all together. This book helps the reader understand the breadth of PM. It's not just about measuring!