My Book of Bible Stories
Added by: vdeny | Karma: -0.95 | Coursebooks | 7 November 2006 |
My Book of Bible Stories

Оцифровано с аудио-кассеты в формат mp3.
Каждая история находится в отдельном mp3 файле.
Язык: ENG | Размер: 150Mb | mp3 | Bitrate: 64kbs
This is a book of true stories. They are taken from the world’s greatest book, the Bible. The stories give you a history of the world from when God began to create until right up to our present day. They even tell about what God promises to do in the future.
This book gives you an idea of what the Bible is all about. It tells about people of the Bible and the things they did. It also shows the grand hope of everlasting life in a paradise earth that God has given to people.
There are 116 stories in the book. These are grouped in eight parts. A page at the beginning of each part tells briefly what is found in that part. The stories appear in the order that events occurred in history. This helps you to learn when, in relation to other events, things happened in history. |
Tags: Bible, stories, about, history, things |
Added by: enetips610 | Karma: 0 | Coursebooks | 4 September 2006 |
'FIRST SCHOOL DAY' ACTIVITIES Хотелось бы услышать от более опытных преподавателей несколько советов (обязательно из личного опыта) относительно того, как ВЫ проводите первый урок в начале нового учебного года. Кроме этого, приветствуются ссылки на учебники с хорошими activities, которые подошли бы для использования на первом занятии в году. Уверен, что каждый сможет найти здесь что-то новое для себя. englishtips_admin. I'd be happy to see some advice from more experienced EFL teachers about the way of teaching the back-to-school classes. Any personal experience is welcome. Besides, any links to the books with activities for the first school day would be greatly appreciated. I'm absolutely sure anyone will be able to find something he's never heard about before. englishtips_admin PS: после поисков в интернете сделал небольшую подборку - хочу поделиться. Activities for the first school day. DOWNLOAD: Only registered users can upload files.
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Tags: school, about, activities, first, englishtips_admin, about, school, ACTIVITIES |