More Magazine is written for women of an older generation who want MORE than just good fashion or housekeeping advice. For women who have already accomplished raising their children or success in their careers, More magazine offers new inspiration and ideas for making the most of life, today and in the future! Since More is geared toward older women, what readers will find in every issue is not page after page of thin, beautiful, young models so much as ROLE MODELS of a certain age who can speak candidly about starting a business later in lifeand other issues of interest to women 40 and up.
Mother-Daughter Knits: 30 Designs to Flatter and Fit
With fascinating insight, practical advice, and patterns for both classic and avant-garde tastes, Mother-Daughter Knits just might be the most useful guide a knitter could have–whether she’s young or just young at heart.
The Essential Guide for New Teaching Assistants provides an introduction for teaching assistants who have recently been inducted, or are going through the process of induction, and are working in schools with children or young people.