Designed for those preparing to write in the current multimedia environment, MediaWriting explores the linkages between print, broadcast, and public relations styles; outlines the nature of good writing; and synthesizes and integrates professional skills and concepts. Complete with interesting real-world examples and exercises, this textbook gives students progressive writing activities amid an environment for developing research and interviewing skills. Rather than emphasizing the differences among the three writing styles, this book synthesizes and integrates the three concepts, weaving in basic principles of Internet writing and reporting. Starting from a basis in writing news and features for print media, it moves on to writing for broadcast news media, then introduces students to public relations writing in print, broadcast, and digital media, as well as for news media and advertising venues.
"The Fiction Writer's Toolkit:
A Guide to Writing Novels and Getting Published" (2001) (Writer's Collection)
Неплохая книга для желающих попробовать себя в писательском деле, ясно и просто написанная. Некоторые советы по композиции произведения подойдут и тем, кто готовится к письменной части международных экзаменов.
"Bob Mayer's "The Fiction Writer's Toolkit" is probably one of the best novel writing books I've read. Other books I've read have tried to focus too heavily on the technical aspects of writing and not so much on the steps and concepts. What makes this book so easy to read is that everything is broken down into individual "tools" that, when read in order, will walk you through the entire novel writing process from beginning to end. [...]
I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn the process behind writing a novel or wanting to improve their current skills".
The explosive progress of logic, since Frege, has produced applications
in linguistics, mathematics and computer science. Students and
practitioners of any of these fields, and of philosophy, will find this
book an excellent reference or introduction. Now expanded to include
non-classical logic, logic for the computer, and more. The central
concepts are explained as they come into play in informal writing and
conversation--argument, validity, relevance, and so on. This study
guide progresses to concepts such as probability calculus.
Synopsis "Academic Writing and Publishing" will show academics (mainly in the social sciences) how to write and publish research articles. Its aim is to supply examples and brief discussions of recent work in all aspects of the area in short, sharp chapters. It should serve as a handbook for postgraduates and lecturers new to publishing. The book is written in a readable and lively personal style. The advice given is direct and based on up to date research that goes beyond that given in current textbooks.
Wordsmith: A Creative Writing Course for Young People (Student book and Teacher's guide)
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks, Kids | 2 June 2008
Wordsmith creative writing curriculum
helps kids develop writing skills that will last a lifetime. Teaching
writing skills has never been easier than in this dynamic writing
program. The Wordsmith Student Book is an easy-to-use creative writing
course for young people that will develop their love for writing while
building practical writing skills. The major principles addressed in
this book apply to both types of writing:
Use definitive nouns and verbs, descriptive modifiers.
Understand and use sentence structure to advantage.
Anchor your writing in concrete detail; don't generalize.
writing, in the simplest terms, is literally expressing oneself: a
person communicating what is in him to the world outside. Why is this
important? After all, most of the writing a child will have to do
throughout his student career will be of the expository type: factual
and objective. In an information age, the demand will increase for
articulate writers who can communicate information clearly, without
artistic frills or "creative" flourishes. So why bother with creative
writing at all?
Expository writing is from the head; creative
writing is from the heart.
The most memorable non-fiction is not dry, but
charged with life and emotional appeal. The best fiction deals in
concrete incident and detail, not vague flights of fancy.
writing is a good place to start learning these principles, because
your child has all the materials needed close at hand....language and