"Karr's book, Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way, illustrates what we believe: that knowing your customers' needs is the single most important factor in building sales. Business starts with the sale. To make profitable sales, you need to understand your customer and create a timely value proposition. This book shows you how to do both." —Larry Kellner, Chairman and CEO, Continental Airlines
The aim of this study is to explain the present state of Russia's political economy in the light of the past, for the future. Three phases have been identified in Russia's successful economic transition since the crisis of August 1998. Phase one was associated predominantly with an effective depreciation in the value of the ruble, which is a necessary condition for macroeconomic stabilization.
Grade 7-10 - Science-Fiction, , African culture. The Ear, the Eye, and The Arm is one of the better books on the market this year. It definitely ranks as one to be recommended without reservations. It has tremendous value for a classroom as well - there are so many different layers that could be explored and lead to further research ( maybe you could use it for one of your reading/writing/listening assignments next year). Regardless of its "educational" value, the entertainment value is high. It's a book to re-read many times. rescuing the children.
The role of play in child development is a source of ongoing interest and debate. In this book, renowned expert Peter Smith offers an expansive definition of the term “play”, taking an in-depth look at its impact on children, as well as its adaptive value for birds and mammals, including primates.