Containing many previously unpublished letters, this third volume of a six volume collection of the complete correspondence of John Wallis (1616-1703), documents an important period in the history of the Royal Society and the University of Oxford. By providing access to these letters, this painstakingly crafted edition will enable readers to gain a deeper and richer awareness of the intellectual culture on which the growth of scientific knowledge in early modern Europe was based.
Textbook of Anatomy is divided into three volumes, with volume one on upper and lower extremities, volume two on thorax, abdomen and pelvis and volume three on head, neck and central nervous system. Written for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, the text is presented in an easy to understand format, with detailed explanations of clinical correlations of anatomical structures. Each volume contains numerous high quality illustrations and tables to enhance learning, as well as supplementary free online access to a colour atlas, review questions and answers and self assessment of pictures.
When he died in 2004, Jacques Derrida left behind a vast legacy of unpublished material, much of it in the form of written lectures. With "The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume I", the University of Chicago Press inaugurated an ambitious series, edited by Geoffrey Bennington and Peggy Kamuf, translating these important works into English. This volume, now in paperback, launched the series with Derrida's exploration of the persistent association of animality with sovereignty.
Volume II of the Oxford History of the British Empire examines the history of British worldwide expansion from the Glorious Revolution of 1689 to the end of the Napoleonic Wars, a crucial phase in the creation of the modern British Empire. This was the age of General Wolfe, Clive of India, and Captain Cook.
The fourth installment in this distinguished and unprecedented series brings us to the twentieth century. As with the other volumes, this book includes the work of leading scholars. Here, readers confront the many facets of the imperial experience in the final century of the British Empire, above all the rapid processes of decolonization that began at mid-century. Volume IV attempts to understand the men who managed the empire, their priorities and visions as leaders, and the mechanisms of control which held the empire together.