American Highlights: United States History in Notable Works of Art
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 13 August 2015
American Highlights presents a window on the United States, capturing its feel and flavor as well as the overall shape of its history. Through over 80 works of art and lively short text pieces in both English and Spanish, the book covers daily life and popular culture, including baseball, P. T. Barnum's circus, Hollywood, and television, in addition to broad themes such as immigration and industrial change.
Political Argumentation in the United States: Historical and contemporary studies. Selected essays
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 2 August 2015
In the United States, political argumentation occurs in institutionalized settings and the broader public forum, in efforts to resolve conflict and efforts to foster it, in settings with time limits and controversies that extend over centuries. From the ratification of the U.S. Constitution to the presidency of Barack Obama, this book contains twenty studies of U.S. political argumentation, grouped under four themes: early American political discourse, Abraham Lincoln’s political argumentation, argumentation about foreign policy, and public policy argumentation since the 1960s.
United States and World War Two: The Awakening Giant
The United States and World War II is a broad-ranging introduction to the second world war in America. The politics, diplomacy and military strategy of the war form the core of the book. Coverage of the social issues is integrated into the larger narrative and the military and political aspects are linked to the social through the overarching theme of the transforming effects of the war. The author takes a chronological approach, offering a narrative history, while highlighting and developing key thematic links through the chapters. Exemplary material substantiates thematic points and enlivens the text, while historiographical issues are addressed as appropriate throughout the narrative.
Custer’s Last Stand is the battle resulting from years of fighting between the expanding United States and the Native Americans who already populated the land. When the battle ended, not one of the United States soldiers in Custer's immediate command had survived.
The period after the Civil War was a troubled time for the United States. Known as Reconstruction, the South, which had fought for its independence, was bitter. Former slaves were freed, made citizens, and granted the right to vote, but still faced terrible discrimination.