Psychological research using time as a variable has been extensive since the era of Wundt and Ebbinghaus. The care of and research on dementia patients highlights a unique need for understanding and applying the concepts of time and space. This volume, unique in its development of a model for time-space orientation, proposes that understanding the needs of these patients is increased by consideration of the ^Idis^Rorientation caused by dementia. Included is a review of the history of time and time measurement, a survey of psychological literature using time as a variable across the life span, and a model of time orientation applied to persons who have developed dementia.
Understanding and Managing Customers provides a comprehensive overview of the process and pitfalls of understanding and managing customers. Readers gain an easy and applied introduction to this subject thanks to the accessible and clear writing style and a truly European focus.
Designed for first year undergraduates on both business studies and marketing degrees. This text is also useful for HND students, those studying for the Chartered Institute of Marketing certificate and practitioners in the early stages of their careers.
Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking: How to Communicate Clearly (2nd edition)
The Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking is the essential guide for everyone who needs to communicate in clear and effective English, both written and spoken. John Seely looks at the key factors to consider in tailoring your material so that you get your message across, such as understanding the demands of particular audiences, subjects, and situations.
Grammar: 1,001 Practice Questions For Dummies Practice makes perfect - and helps deepen your understanding of English grammar Establishing good grammar habits will set you up for success. From English class to writing your college essay, from corporatecommunications, to updating your social media sites, good grammar is essential and now you have 1,001 ways to deepen your understanding and practice your skills.
Teaches the skills necessary to get more out of college lectures, by improving preparation, understanding, and notetaking skills
Through listening to real lectures and performing practice exercises, readers will learn how to take more efficient notes, recognize signposting, use course notes to predict lecture content, and improve their understanding. The CD contains authentic lectures at well-known universities.