 A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue By Francis Grose - Published by printed for S. Hooper, 1785
EDITED/REUPLOADED by decabristka
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Tags: Vulgar, Dictionary, Classical, 1785 207, Tongue, 1785207, Vulgar, FOXIT, 1785EDITEDREUPLOADED, 1785 EDITEDREUPLOADED, Classical, 1785nbspEDITEDREUPLOADED |
The Mother Tongue. Book I (Revised Edition)
Added by: jaybeere | Karma: 320.01 | Coursebooks | 27 January 2008 |
The Mother Tongue. Book I (Revised Edition)
Lessons in speaking, reading and writing English
by Sarah Louise Arnold and George Lyman Kittredge
(Rare Book Collection)
BOOK I of "The Mother Tongue" is designed to guide children to an intelligent appreciation and enjoyment of good English, to help them to speak and write correctly, and to introduce them to the study of grammar.
To appreciate the power and beauty of any language, a child must become familiar with well-written prose and verse in selections that shall be interesting from his own point of view as well as acceptable to the critical scholar. By familiar association with such writings, and wisely directed study of them, the child's taste is cultivated and a love of literature is fostered.
With this in view, the book provides selections from good authors, in prose and verse, together with full instructions for their use in different ways. Exercises for reading, study, discussion, and learning by heart accompany the selections. |
Tags: study, Mother, Tongue, English, selections |