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Time Management: Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done
Time Management: Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done
There are only twenty-four hours in a day, but you can make them count. Time Management, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how.
Tags: Management, howTime, shows, Priorities, Things
John Updike and the Cold War: Drawing the Iron Curtain
John Updike and the Cold War: Drawing the Iron CurtainOne of the most enduring and prolific American authors of the latter half of the 20th century, John Updike has long been recognized by critics for his importance as a social commentator. "John Updike and the Cold War" examines how Updike's views grew out of the defining element of American society in his time - the Cold War. D. Quentin Miller argues that because Updike's career began as the Cold War was taking shape in the mid-1950s, the world he creates in his entire literary oeuvre - fiction, poetry and nonfiction prose - reflects the optimism and the anxiety of that decade.
Tags: Things, Baldwin, James, SeenJohn, Updike, Updike, American, Updikes, entire, oeuvre
10 Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships.

10 Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships.In Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships, Dr. Laura Schlessinger calls for a return to traditional courtship. Courtship allows couples and their families to get acquainted with each other over a longer period of time, and provides structure and guidelines for that important process. Schlessinger asks couples to take a long, hard look at the recurring problems in their marriages, both small and large, and doesn't hesitate to tell them what they are doing wrong and how they can fix it. This audiobook is an invaluable guide for all married couples and for single people who are struggling to find the right mate or escape a bad relationship. Acknowledging your stupid mistakes can be difficult, but with the help of this audiobook, you will learn how to correct them and how to find fulfillment, joy, and loving companionship in your most important relationship.


Tags: Laura Schlessinger Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships, Things, Couples, Laura, Their, Definitions, couples, audiobook, Stupid, important, their
England for Dummies (4th Edition)
England for Dummies (4th Edition)England offers so many royal palaces, massive cathedrals, glorious gardens, world-class museums, and historical sites that you could be overwhelmed, but this guide helps you zero in on the things you want to see and do and plan the perfect trip for you!
Tags: helps, guide, overwhelmed, could, things
IELTS and New Inventors (4 March, 2009)

altIn Academic Writing Task 2, you are either required to write a cause and effect essay or a process essay. Writing process essay is really hard because of steps and convincing ideas. Steps and convincing ideas are related to how things are made. The videos in this post describe how things are made.

Tags: essay, things, process, convincing, Writing