In the days when dinosaurs dominated the earth, their marine counterparts - every bit as big and ferocious - reigned supreme in prehistoric seas. In this book, Richard Ellis takes us back to the Mesozoic era to resurrect the fascinating lives of these giant seagoing reptiles. Working from the fossil record, Ellis explores the natural history of these fierce predators, speculates on their habits, and tells how they eventually became extinct - or did they?
What is reading? How do you teach someone to do it, especially in a second or foreign language? These are very large questions that, of course, cannot be addressed in much detail in a single article. However, as the Chinese say, the longest journey begins with one step, and I hope that this brief overview of these issues will help current and prospective ESL reading teachers take a new or first step in the right direction.
So you’ve been smoking for a while, and know you really should quit. You know it will be good for your health, you know it will save you a ton of money, and you know there are many other good reasons to quit. But you’re still smoking. Why?... Maybe, even with all these reasons, you are still not motivated enough to quit and the pleasures of smoking still outweigh the benefits of not smoking.
From Limits and Continuity to Integration, Areas and Volumes, there is a lot of subject matter to know if you want to succeed on your AP Calculus AB/BC exams. That’s why we’ve selected these 500 AP-style questions and answers that cover all topics found on these exams. The targeted questions will prepare you for what you’ll see on test day, help you study more effectively, and use your review time wisely to achieve your best score.
Here is a collection of the poetry that America loves best. These are the poems that people ask for again and again—the old familiar favorites, known and loved since childhood, along with the newer selections that have won a place in the hearts of readers. These poems have something to say to us all, as, by common consent, each one has expressed a thought or crystallized an emotion with, a deeper and more enduring understanding. They all center on the great and universal things of life—Love, Home and Childhood, Faith and Immortality, Love of Country, Nature, and, since it too is a deeply human thing, Humor. The final chapter is devoted to the best-known old favorite story poems.