'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …'. So begins this tale of ill-fated love and heroic sacrifice. This complete study edition of A Tale of Two Cities includes information about the French Revolution, questions, writing ideas, and projects - everything students need to explore one of Dickens's most enduring works.
- Friendly reading support ensures understanding and enjoyment - Guided Reading Questions guide students through the work by raising important issues in key passages - Footnotes explain obscure references, unusual usages and terms
Hamlet is a tale of ghosts, murder, and political intrigue. In addition, this is an emotion-packed story of love, revenge, treachery, and madness. This complete study edition of Hamlet includes historical information, questions, writing ideas, and projects to help students explore the most popular work in the history of English theatre.
- Friendly reading support ensures understanding and enjoyment - Guided Reading Questions guide students through the work by raising important issues in key passages. - Footnotes explain obscure references, unusual usages, and terms
This complete study edition of Jack London's classic adventure novel The Call of the Wild includes a map, information about the Klondike gold rush, questions, writing ideas, and projects – everything students need as they embark on their journey into the wild North Country.
- Friendly reading support ensures understanding and enjoyment - Guided Reading Questions guide students through the work by raising important issues in key passages - Footnotes explain obscure references, unusual usages, and terms - Words for Everyday Use entries define and give pronunciations for difficult terms
The MONASH Marketing Dictionary is a comprehensive glossary of marketing terms. The Department of Marketing gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Don Bradmore in compiling this resource. It offers well researched definitions for most of the marketing related terms. This is the second version prepared for the Babylon Dictionary based on 2011 updates.