A Field Guide to Automotive Technology has more than 130 entries, each with a clear photo to make recognition easy. Devices are grouped according to their “habitats”—under the hood, inside the car, and more—to help the reader identify the technology in question. Once the “species” is discovered, the entry will tell you its “behavior”—what it does—and how it works, in detail.
Architectural Record is your in-depth guide to contemporary architectural design, practice and technology. Each issue offers detailed perspectives of the most interesting projects from around the world. In addition, comprehensive coverage of noteworthy new products and technology will keep you both informed and inspired.
The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores domestic and international issues, business, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts. Your paid subscription to The Economist also includes unlimited access to Economist.com and our searchable archive.
The newest title in the Princeton Architectural Press Campus Guide series takes readers on a tour of Illinois Institute of Technology, one of the landmarks of modern American architecture. With a master plan and twenty renowned buildings by Mies van der Rohe, IIT has long been a pilgrimage site for architects and students of design. Thousands of visitors arrive each year to see International Style masterpieces such as S. R. Crown Hall, home of IIT's College of Architecture and one of Mies's greatest works.
Welcome to the new millennium and the next step in home technology. Replace your telephone with a computer. Power up your burglar alarm from a PC that's miles away. Turn lights on and off with a click of your mouse, or plan and build your meals without stepping into the kitchen (well, almostÖthere's still dishes to do).
In short, discover how to network your entire home and remote control everything with the smart home" technology that's available today.