Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68076.20 | Exam Materials » KET | 20 January 2010
These past examination papers provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. These papers follow the March 2004 revised exam specifications.
The character education movement, implemented by educators around the world, is an incredibly successful and growing phenomenon. When important character attributes like honesty, integrity, and fairness are modeled and taught to kids, they develop an inner compass that continues to guide them in a positive direction
In Character Is the Key, parenting expert and therapist Sara Dimerman shares proven techniques in a powerful, step-by-step plan that will help you bring your family together, improve communication, and unlock the very best in your children - and yourself.
This book is a comprehensive introduction for educators wanting to understand the techniques, contemporary theories and methods of teaching - from facilitating problem-based learning to the role of the lecture. It explores the issues that underpin interpersonal methods of teaching, and offers genuine insights through a broad and multi-disciplinary perspective on these methods. It will help teachers at all levels to understand the techniques that they can call upon at different times and situations, and will help to develop more effective teaching practice.
This exclusive new manual contains the most current close combat methods being taught to U.S. Marines for use on today's battlefield. It outlines the Marine Corps' latest lethal and non-lethal weapons techniques, use of knives and sticks and the full spectrum of unarmed tactics. For academic study only.
Woodworker's Journal Magazine:is designed for all woodworkers (from hobbyists to professionals) looking for new project ideas, woodworking techniques and shop jigs and tips that will enhance their time in the shop. Projects are presented in a detailed step-by-step format with photos and illustrations. A full size pattern is inserted in the middle of each issue. Departments cover joinery, finishing, products, techniques and hardware.