The Songbook provides the words and music for all 60 songs and chants from the Tiny Talk series. It can be used in conjunction with the series, or alongside any kindergarten material. The songs and chants have been specially written for 3-6 year olds by world-famous songwriter Carolyn Graham. Charming illustrations set the context and bring the songs to life for young children. Melody lines and guitar chords in the Songbook enable teachers to play their own instruments in the classroom. Spiral binding allows the book to lie flat on a piano or music stand, freeing the teacher's hands for playing an instrument or using the Tiny Talk puppets.
If there is currently a more lucid overview available of all significant approaches to language teaching, I'll be very surprised.' - EL Gazette A fully revised and updated edition of this popular introduction to language teaching methodology, which describes different methods and approaches in language teaching. It provides practical, step-by-step guidance for new teachers and introduces more experienced teachers to new approaches and teaching ideas. Fully updated, An accessible introduction to different methods and approaches in language teaching, Provides practical, step-by-step guidance for new teachers. Clear and jargon-free, Suitable for in-service and initial teacher training, and pre-course reading for MA students, Introduces more experienced teachers to new approaches and teaching ideas, Cartoons and illustrations, redrawn for this edition. SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Vocabulary Games And Activities For Teachers Ещё одно издание для преподавателей английского. Книга, как видно из названия, содержит игры и различные задания, направленые на расширение словарного запаса учеников. В первой части учебника - подробные инструкции для преподавателя, во второй - ксерокопируемый раздаточный материал. Всего в книге 90 разнообразных игр для уровней от Elementary до Advanced.
The following Picture Cards Set helps preview lessons, develop vocabulary, and stimulate expansion activities. Each one has been designed to help teachers illustrate meanings and also encourage speaking skills by creating dialogues and short stories. They accompany the popular Side By Side series, and have been indexed to make it easier to pick out depending on the needs the teacher and students face. SIZE REDUCED PICTURES + PDF by Pumukl
Text messaging has spread like wildfire, especially among young people, who appear to spend most of their time texting, and are unwilling to write much else. Indeed the phenomena is so widespread that many parents, teachers, and media pundits have been outspoken in their criticism of it. Does texting spell the end of western civilization? In this humorous, level-headed and insightful book, David Crystal argues that the panic over texting is misplaced. Crystal, a world renowned linguist and prolific author on the uses and abuses of English, here looks at every aspect of the phenomenon of text-messaging and considers its effects on literacy, language, and society. He explains how texting began, how it works, who uses it, and how much it is used, and he shows how to interpret the mixture of pictograms, logograms, abbreviations, symbols, and wordplay typically used in texting. He looks at its manifestations in different languages, and explores the ways similar devices have been used in different eras. He finds that the texting system of conveying sounds and concepts goes back a long way--to the very origins of writing. And far from hindering children's literacy, texting turns out to help it. Illustrated with original art by Ed MacLachlan, the popular cartoonist whose work has appeared in Punch, Private Eye, New Statesman, and many other publications, Txting: The Gr8 Db8 is entertaining and instructive--reassuring for worried parents and teachers, illuminating for teenagers, and fascinating for everyone interested in what's currently happening to language and communication.