Caribbean Travel & Life is devoted to bringing paradise right to your doorstep! Whether it's undiscovered beaches, the best luxury resorts, or the finest snorkeling destinations, our veteran writers have been there and bring back all that is special in the Caribbean.
The most sought-after "answer man" for astronomy takes us on an all-new excursion to the always exciting, frequently sobering, world of the deep cosmos in search of answers to popular questions. How fast does gravity travel? When will the sun go nova? Who invented the light year? Will we ever travel to the stars? These are just some of the unusual and popular questions NASA astronomer Sten Odenwald answers in Back to the Astronomy Cafe, based on his award-winning website "for the astronomically disadvantaged."
In keeping pioneering approach to city guide publishing, In Your Pocket is the first travel publisher to offer its unrivalled print publications in full, in PDF format. Optimized for quick download and viewing on screen, they are the perfect primer to the cities of Europe.
In keeping pioneering approach to city guide publishing, In Your Pocket is the first travel publisher to offer its unrivalled print publications in full, in PDF format. Optimized for quick download and viewing on screen, they are the perfect primer to the cities of Europe.
In keeping pioneering approach to city guide publishing, In Your Pocket is the first travel publisher to offer its unrivalled print publications in full, in PDF format. Optimized for quick download and viewing on screen, they are the perfect primer to the cities of Europe.