Bill Bryson - Journeys In English
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Multimedia » Audio | 26 October 2013
This BBC Radio 4 series is written and presented by Bill Bryson and based on his best-selling book "Mother Tongue".
Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius
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Tags: Bryson , Mother , Tongue , Journeys , English , REUPLOAD , NEEDED , Thanks , Reuploaded , Eugenius
Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life: A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life
Added by: onyssia | Karma: 483.51 | Self-Improvement , Audiobooks | 26 October 2013
Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life is a Wall Street Journal number-one best seller that isn't afraid to tell you it's time to change
Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius
Tags: audiobook lifestyle psychology , Whining , KickButt , Approach , Better , changeShut , decabristkaShut , NEEDED , Kick-Butt , Thanks , Eugenius
W. Somerset Maugham - Of Human Bondage (unabridged audiobook)
Added by: matrim | Karma: 59.27 | Fiction literature , Audiobooks | 22 October 2013
It is very difficult for a writer of my generation, if he is honest, to pretend indifference to the work of Somerset Maugham," wrote Gore Vidal. "He was always so entirely there."
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18 comments, 11684 views
Tags: sexual , wrote , freedom , story , Philip , Somerset , Maugham , entirely , always , there , REUPLOAD , NEEDED , Thanks , Reuploaded
This comprehensive text presents a practical approach to the office evaluation and management of every problem seen by primary care practitioners.
Reuploaded Thanks to bl007
Tags: Medicine , Primary , practitioners , Office , Evaluation , Management , Adult , Patient , bl007 , Thanks
Added by: poLUnoCHnICK | Karma: 270.91 | Fiction literature , Audiobooks | 21 October 2013
Ralph's insomnia gets worse when Ed Deepneau gets out of control. Ed is obsessed with the notion that Derry is becoming the new Armageddon and that time is ticking away for the residents. An evil of imaginable propotions has began and Ralph has one chance to beat it.
Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius
19 comments, 8672 views
Tags: Insomnia , UNABRIDGED , AUDIOBOOK , Stephen , residents , Ralph , Reuploaded , chance , propotions , Thanks