Whether it's like "a bump on a log" or "a bat out of hell", these expressions have been around forever. Dr. Funk explains over 400 droll, colorful, and sometimes pungent expressions of everyday speech. Derived from classical sources, historic events, famous literature, frontier humor, and the frailties of humankind, each of these sayings have an interesting story behind their origin.
This DVD/DVD-ROM is designed to complement The Story of Santa Claus, a stage 2 reader from the Express Primary Readers series for children . When used in a DVD player, students can enjoy watching an animated version of the story and songs. When used in a computer, they can practice using the new words and expressions through interactive exercises and word puzzles. They can also enjoy creating stickers, making a Christmas card, coloring scenes from the story, and doing spot the differences puzzles.
This DVD/DVD-ROM is designed to complement Merry Christmas, a stage 1 reader from the Express Primary Readers series for children. When used in a DVD player, students can enjoy watching an animated version of the story and songs. When used in a computer, they can practice using the new words and expressions through interactive exercises and word puzzles. They can also enjoy creating stickers, coloring scenes from the story, and writing a letter to Santa Claus.
Every neighbourhood has its black sheep, but this one has bears. Well, nobody has actually seen the inhabitants of the house at the end of the road, but that doesn't stop the gossip about The Bears We Know. In colourfully mischievous illustrations, readers are invited to see for themselves these ursine neighbours living life as they see fit. Also, they growl if anyone gets too close, so nobody visits. This playful story promises to charm even as it challenges with the question "Does anybody really know their next-door neighbours?" Reading Level: Grade K-3
Jude the Obscure is the last Thomas Hardy's important novel. Jude the Obscure created storms of scandal and protest for the author upon its publication. Hardy, disgusted and disappointed, devoted the remainder of his life to poetry and never wrote another novel. Jude Fawley and Sue Bridehead have both had unhappy first marriages. Then they fall in love. This is the story of their love, and the way their past returns, bringing them hope, then sadness. Audio added Thanks to apadana