In a fun game-show format, Spelling Made Easy will help your students become familiar with spelling rules, exceptions to the rules and patterns. Students will develop strategies for tackling common spelling errors. Intelligent software assesses each student's abilities and then presents tutorial lessons for those topics where special attention is needed. The program also includes a special teacher's section where each student's progress report can be viewed.
WorldNetWeekly - No.7 (13 February - 19 February 2010)
WorldNetWeekly - this handy digital supplement to WorldNetDaily ensures you will never again miss any of the powerful reporting and commentary of the world’s leading independent online news, technology and the arts. In addition to regular weekly content, Special Reports are published approximately 20 times a year, spotlighting a specific country, industry, or hot-button topic.
WorldNetWeekly - No.6 (6 February - 12 February 2010)
WorldNetWeekly - this handy digital supplement to WorldNetDaily ensures you will never again miss any of the powerful reporting and commentary of the world leading independent online news, technology and the arts. In addition to regular weekly content, Special Reports are published approximately 20 times a year, spotlighting a specific country, industry, or hot-button topic.
Learn To Read - I'm special. I see shapes (+CD + workbook)
Серия книг Learn To Read предназначена для чтения и обучения ребенка читать, пополнять словарный запас, в легкой форме запоминать прочитанное (услышанное) наизусть. Предназначено для детей дошкольного возраста (подойдет и для школьников начальных классов).В один набор входит: две яркие красочные короткие книжки, СD, workbook.
Series Learn To Read is designed for preschool children (suitable for students of primary classes).
The Diabetes Holiday Cookbook takes the worry out of holiday menu planning and food preparation for people with diabetes and those who love them. Bursting with flavorful recipes for every occasion, this month-by-month guide to healthy holiday cuisine features new and improved fat and sugar substitutes that were not available even a few years ago. Now you can celebrate New Year’s Day with chocolate "bread" pudding, make Mother’s Day even more special with a delectable seafood frittata, and conjure up a frightening Halloween concoction of tomato soup with black olive eyeballs for your child.