This book proposes that subjective expression shapes grammatical and lexical patterning in American English conversation. Analyses of structural and functional properties of English conversational utterances indicate that the most frequent combinations of subject, tense, and verb type are those that are used by speakers to personalize their contributions, not to present unmediated descriptions of the world.
These pages can be used by both teachers and students, Spanish speakers - because the traslations provided ae English-Spanish. There you can find all different type of contents - grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, business letters, common sayings, phrasal verbs and so much more.
A perfect tool for both teachers and students, for it provides them with paragrahs full of spoken (REAL) language - vocabulary & grammar - written and brought by Richard Vaughan - a person whose name in Spain has long become a synonym of THE BEST English teacher. It's a big fun learning and even bigger one teaching English having these materials at one's disposal. Enjoy!!Is meant forSpanish speakers
Full title: "The English Advisor or How to Use English for Communication in the Real World - a Patchwork approach to What's Wrong with Your English." The English Advisor is for Polish learners who want to use English to exchange ideas and information, through speech and/or writing, with native speakers of English or of other languages, whether or not your English is (or ever will be) "perfect". It concentrates on improving your ability to communicate, not on accuracy.