Heartland 12 original songs appealing to adults and teenagers with content to give stimuli for discussions on emotion, ambition, and relationships both successful and unsuccessful.
Words from each song appear in full in book to aid understanding. Words also appear with 'cloze test' - vital words missing - to aid vocabulary building. Content stimulates discussion. Imaginative language work sheets to aid comprehension
New Friends
is a popular 4-level course for primary school pupils. CD ROM is added to a coursebook, includes vocabulary, listening, grammar, reading exercises and songs, games, wordlists.
Learn English Through Song is 16 MP3 songs and 35 pdf worksheets. They are written for grammar comprehension (structure and function) with common vocabulary themes. Learners enhance their pronunciation from using the songs with rythm and rhyme while subconsciously processing the grammatical structures. The result is accelerated learning. Make learning English fun for learners. For Learners of pre-intermediate to advanced levels.