A good business case is so much more than simply the means to justify a decision. A well-written and well-researched business case will secure funding; make sure any project stays on the right side of regulation; mobilize support for the cause; and provide the platform for managing the project and the benchmark against which to measure progress. Ian Gambles' ""Making the Business Case"" shows you how to make sense of the task at hand, develop a strategy, articulate your options, define the benefits, establish the costs, identify the risks and make a compelling case.
Terrorism, ethnocentrism, religious tension, competition over limited resources, war - these are just a few of the problems and challenges that have emerged in today's global economy. Globalization both implies and requires economic interdependence; and this should bring with it a heightened sense of the interconnectedness of the participating societies.
When astronauts fly into space to conduct missions, it is made possible because of precise mathematical calculations, from how the spacecraft leaves Earth's atmosphere to how the astronauts pilot the craft. How Astronauts Use Math reveals how designers use math to calculate distance, speed, velocity, and their own safety when creating space-faring vehicles. Concepts and skills emphasized include: • Number Sense and Operations • Problem Solving • Estimation • Measurement • Data Analysis • Algebraic Thinking • Geometry and Spatial Sense.
When fighter pilots get into the cockpit, they come face-to-face with practical math.How Fighter Pilots Use Math demonstrates how math allows pilots to judge speed, attain altitude, and maintain safety, all while soaring to new heights. Concepts and skills emphasized include: •Number Sense and Operations •Problem Solving •Estimation •Measurement •Data Analysis •Algebraic Thinking •Geometry and Spatial Sense.
From Pac-Man to Xbox, people love playing video games. But many are unaware of the importance math plays when it comes to designing these addictive games. How Video Game Designers Use Math guides readers through the math concepts designers use to create and produce their games. Concepts and skills emphasized include: •Number Sense and Operations •Problem Solving •Estimation •Measurement •Data Analysis •Algebraic Thinking •Geometry and Spatial Sense.