Designed to acquaint the reader with the field of phonology -- the study of the systems of linguistically significant sounds -- this book begins with a brief introduction to linguistics and a discussion of phonology's place within that field. It then goes on to cover a variety of topics including the nature of phonological units, phonological rules, which types of phenomena interest phonologists, and the evolution of phonological theory.
As head of Edinburgh's CID, Bob Skinner has seen it all, but even he is shocked by the mutilated corpse discovered in a dark alleyway. The motive for the brutal murder remains a mystery, until an elaborate smokescreen emerges which shrouds an intricate conspiracy.
It's the technology of the posthuman age: biotech! Upgrade your old body with smart drugs and viral nano . . . or improve on nature with eugenics and gene-fixing. But it's not just about the future. GURPS Bio-Tech includes a full range of historical and modern medical equipment, from early vaccines to surgical robots, along with game stats for the world's most deadly diseases.