Captured by the Light: The Essential Guide to Creating Extraordinary Wedding Photography
IMAGINE THE ADVANTAGE YOU’D HAVE IF ONE OF THE WORLD’S TOP WEDDING SHOOTERS SHARED HIS SECRETS WITH YOU World-renowned wedding photographer, and one of the most widely acclaimed instructors in the industry today, David Ziser brings his no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point teaching style to a book that totally rewrites the rules for how wedding photography is taught.
Most of the book deals with exercises and sparring techniques, while providing only short sections on the martial art's history and philosophy. Appendixes give additional information on the rules and regulations of Tae Kwan Do competition.
If life is a game, what are the rules? We all know the feeling: In the game of life, why am I the only one who doesn't know how to play? But now, help is at hand, because this wonderful little book will teach you the rules so that you can conquer life's challenges and manage its unpredictable ups ands downs. In “If Life is a Game, These are the Rules,” Chérie shares that there are no mistakes, only lessons that are repeated.
Escape from the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your Science MatterMost scientists and researchers aren’t prepared to talk to the press or to policymakers—or to deal with backlash. Many researchers have the horror stories to prove it. What’s clear, according to Nancy Baron, is that scientists, journalists and public policymakers come from different cultures. They follow different sets of rules, pursue different goals, and speak their own language. To effectively reach journalists and public officials, scientists need to learn new skills and rules of engagement. The keys to success are clear thinking, knowing what you want to say, understanding your audience, and using everyday language to get your main points across.