The book covers current problems which are topical for ICU specialists. Medical literature for professionals.
Emergency physicians care for patients with any condition that may be encountered in an emergency department. This requires that they know about a vast number of emergencies, some common and many rare. Physicians who have trained in any of the subspecialties – cardiology, neurology, OBGYN and many others — have narrowed their fields of study, allowing their patients to benefit accordingly.
Food, Cuisine, and Cultural Competency for Culinary, Hospitality, and Nutrition Professionals
Food, Cuisine, and Cultural Competency for Culinary, Hospitality, and Nutrition Professionals comprehensively covers unique food traditions as they apply to health. The text explores the critical importance of cultural sensitivity and competency in today's work setting, addresses health literacy issues of diverse client bases, and helps readers identify customer communication techniques that enable professionals to establish trust with clients of ethnicity not their own.
Dictionary of Internetworking Terms and Acronyms is a comprehensive reference to thousands of technical terms that networking students and professionals refer to on a daily basis. The book is organized in dictionary fashion, with alphabetized entries and concise, to-the-point definitions. This paperback book will feature a trim size smaller than usual for Cisco Press titles, enabling it to be a portable reference for students and professionals.
Working Minds: A Practitioner's Guide to Cognitive Task Analysis
Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) helps researchers understand how cognitive skills and strategies make it possible for people to act effectively and get things done. CTA can yield information people need—employers faced with personnel issues, market researchers who want to understand the thought processes of consumers, trainers and others who design instructional systems, health care professionals who want to apply lessons learned from errors and accidents, systems analysts developing user specifications, and many other professionals.
The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics proved an outstanding achievement in scientific publishing. A truly international work, its coverage ranges through statistical issues pertinent to life scientists, healthcare professionals and practising statisticians. This major publication is easily accessible for all those involved in statistical activities in medicine and health sciences, from health professionals who are not highly trained in statistics, through to fully qualified and experienced statisticians.