The Prince (Il Principe) by Niccolo Machiavelli from
Added by: arcadius | Karma: 2802.10 | Fiction literature | 1 September 2009
Il Principe (The Prince) is a political treatise by the Florentine public servant and political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli, who live in Florence in 14th century. The Prince examines the acquisition, perpetuation, and use of political power in the western world.
This volume in the Short Oxford History of Europe series examines the sixteenth century--one of the most tumultuous and dramatic periods of social and cultural transformation in European history.
This book uses critical discourse analysis to investigate relations between discourse and other dimensions (economic, political, social and cultural) of contemporary processes of globalization, and the effects that discourse has on globalization. It uses an innovative approach which combines critical discourse analysis with "cultural" political economy to develop a new theory of the relationship between discourse and other dimensions of globalization, and it shows how analysis of texts can be coherently integrated within political economic analysis.
The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time
Added by: RMovil | Karma: 58.65 | Other | 9 June 2009
For anyone preparing to step into a leadership role--be it a corporate CEO, business team leader, church deacon, or head of a household--this unique collection of quotes from 100 great leaders of armies, social movements, political revolutions, fashion revolutions, businesses, and nations is sure to inspire.
The first book in the field to explore the links between theories of globalization and surveillance, bipower and biopolitics, performance and theatre, computer arts and politics, "The Politics of New Media Theatre" is an investigation into the political role played by the new media theatre. Gabriella Giannachi explores how new media arts constitute themselves as a radical political movement, and presents an analysis of both the role of virtuality in radical performance and politics in virtual and mixed reality practices. This outstanding new work offers an analysis of leading political, philosophical and artistic texts and artworks, and represents a milestone for anyone interested in new technologies, theatre and politics.