England's Troubles: Seventeenth-Century English Political Instability in European Context
"A work of unsurpassed imagination, unrelenting originality and unabashed boldness...It is brimming with originality and stuffed with insights that make it the most stimulating book on seventeenth-century history to have appeared in years, if not decades." Times Literary Supplement
A Political History of Tudor and Stuart England: A Sourcebook
A Political History of Tudor and Stuart England draws together a fascinating selection of sources to illuminate this turbulent era of English history. From the bloody overthrow of Richard III in 1485, to the creation of a worldwide imperial state under Queen Anne, these sources illustrate England's difficult transition from the medieval to the modern.
The chapters embraced in this work treat of the leading economy questions which are rife in your country. An attempt has been made to handle the questions in a thorough manner, to dig down for principles which are fundamental, though the author was conscious that, in so doing, the work would lose something of its interest to those who only seek to glide over the surface of things.
America's War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty
Spotlights the political, legal and civic battles raging in this country against what is arguably our most private and pluralistic right - sexual freedom. Although Klein does not provide an easy fix to the vexing problems posed by erotophobes, crusaders, the Christian-American Taliban, or religious terrorists, terms not guaranteed to assuage the opposition, he does offer sufficient examples of the war on our fundamental liberties to energize even the most laid-back of his readers. This book will infuriate people on both ends of the political spectrum, if for different reasons.
An explosion rocks Princes Street in the midst of the Edinburgh Festival. Responsibility is claimed by a group supposedly demanding political separation from Britain, but as atrocities escalate, Head of CID Bob Skinner realizes this is no gang of fanatics, but a highly professional team.