One-hundred audio sessions on 50 CDs. This remarkable collection consists of "100 audio biographies" of the greatest personalities of world history. A Treasury of CD Biographies detailing the life, times, achievements and impact of 100 of history's greatest people including 1) Philosophers, 2) Explorers, 3) Inventors, 4) Scientists, 5) Writers, 6) Artists, 7) Composers, 8. Religious, 9) Political and 10) Military Leaders.
Gramsci is Dead: Anarchist Currents in the Newest Social Movements
Gramsci and the concept of hegemony cast a long shadow over radical political theory. Yet how far has this theory got us? Is it still central to feminism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anarchism, and other radical social movements today? Unlike previous revolutionary movements, Day argues, most contemporary radical social movements do not strive to take control of the state. Instead, they attempt to develop new forms of self-organisation that can run in parallel with---or as alternatives to---existing forms of social, political, and economic organization. This is to say that they follow a logic of affinity rather than one of hegemony.
Political Language - Words that Succeed and Policies that Fail
Political Language: Words That Succeed and Policies That Fail examines the role of everyday language, governmental rhetoric, and professional language in creating dubious beliefs about the causes, nature, consequences, and remedies for poverty and related social problems.The book analyzes the nature and dynamics of complex cognitive structures engendered in public officials, professionals, administrators, and the general public through recurring categorizations, metaphors, metonyms, and syntactic structures.
John Rawls (1921-2002) is one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. Contemporary political philosophy has been reshaped by his seminal ideas and most current work in the discipline is a response to them. This book introduces his central ideas and examines their contribution to contemporary political thought.
Howard Zinn is a celebrated historian and social activist best known for A People’s History of the United States. His many highly acclaimed books include You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train and Three Strikes . Zinn lives near Boston.