How and when does the ability to give and understand explanations develop? Morag Donaldson directly addresses this question in the present study, providing evidence from a series of imaginative experiments she carried out with 3- to 10-year-olds. In contrast to many earlier accounts, she demonstrates that children can distinguish between cause and effect and among physical, psychological and logical relations well before the age of 7.
What was the ethical perspective of modernist literature? How did Yeats, Eliot, Joyce, Woolf and Beckett represent ethical issues and develop their moral ideas? Lee Oser argues that thinking about human nature restores a perspective on modernist literature that has been lost. He offers detailed discussions of the relationship between ethics and aesthetics to illuminate close readings of major modernist texts. For Oser, the reception of Aristotle is crucial to the modernist moral project, which he defines as the effort to transform human nature through the use of art.
6 books package Vocabulary controlled for grade-level reading. Includes major reading skills: Letter Recognition; Phonics; Word Structure (compound words and contractions); Silent and Oral Reading; Comprehension; Vocabulary (synonyms); Study Skills (table of contents). High-interest topics and a variety of types of fun activities: Name and Color; Circle Words; Read, Multiple Choice, and Draw; Solve Puzzles and Complete Sentences; Read and Answer Questions. Plus a reading skills checklist appropriate for development level with correlation for book pages. Child-friendly layouts.
VWaking The Tiger Within, (136 pages, plus 32 pages of sharp, related illustrations), describes simply with fresh, unapologetic vigor how to become aware, powerful, never a victim--in control on the street, in the car, at work, on trips, at home and at school. Scott Flint, a 6th degree Black Belt, holds the title of Master Instructor, has taught over 3000 students during 29 years, learned from experience exactly what women, men, and children must know to be safe in all environments.
These pages share President Obama’s words with our global readership. This book includes the complete text of the 44th President’s Inaugural Address. Also featured are extended excerpts from eight other significant campaign and pre-presidential speeches. It is our hope that while the book itself is small, readers will discover that the vision captured in its pages is large.