Added by: hasegawa | Karma: 142.19 | Black Hole | 17 March 2012
Little STORY Teller
Little Story Teller was a series of storybooks, about half the size of the original Story Teller magazines, each with a 30-minute cassette. Together, they featured not only stories but songs, and activity pages full of ideas for things to make and do.
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No Boring Practice, Please! Vocabulary (Grades 4-6)
These super-engaging, extraordinary vocabulary practice pages are sure to leave students begging for more! Each page offers a quick overview of synonyms and antonyms, prefixes and suffixes, homophones, commonly confused words, analogies, and more. Includes crossword puzzles, word searches, and review pages to help teachers assess students’ learning.
В книге (с элементами рабочей тетради) 38 уроков (на 80 страницах). В этой книге вы найдете короткие тексты, неординарные упражнения и практические задания, направленные на закрепление навыков устной и письменной речи, быстрое усвоение элементарной грамматики и правил орфографии, развитие мышления. This book is written as an exersise- book and contains 38 lessons on 80 pages. All the titles are in Russian but more exersises are in English. The book can be useful for teachers who are looking for some ideas how to make their lessons more interesting.
Grammar Lessons and Strategies That Strengthen Students’ Writing
Best Way to Teach Grammar! Grammar glitches become springboards for targeted lessons! Includes ready-to-go mini-lessons and reproducible practice pages.
A Net of Fireflies - Japanese Haiku and Haiku Paintings
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 17 December 2011
A Net of Fireflies - Japanese Haiku and Haiku Paintings
A perfect way to escape the hurry, noise and irritation of our lives is to make a cup of jasmine tea, curl up and read selections from the 320 haiku poems in A Net of Fireflies.