Combining a comprehensive language skills course with a wealth of pratice for all sections of the TOEFL® iBT, the Preparation Course (high-intermedtiate to advanced level) and the Introdctory Course (intermediate level) give students all the tools they need to succeed on the new TOEFL® integrated-skills test.
Combining a comprehensive language skills course with a wealth of pratice for all sections of the TOEFL® iBT, the Preparation Course (high-intermedtiate to advanced level) and the Introdctory Course (intermediate level) give students all the tools they need to succeed on the new TOEFL® integrated-skills test.
Added by: amal emam | Karma: 0.00 | Black Hole | 10 June 2013
longman (SB)
Compelete course for the Toefl test, preparation for the computer and paper Tests.
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Exam Booster. Preparation for B2+ Level Exams : CDs
Eams Booster the preparatory course for B2+ level exam. It is specially designed to offer comprehensive coverage of those skills needed for learners at CEF level B2+. 3 in 1: Coursebook & Workbook & Grammar book.
Весняна пропозиція від TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT Preparation Courses by Kevin
Added by: bodia007 | Karma: 1.00 | Black Hole | 8 May 2013
Весняна пропозиція від TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT Preparation Courses by Kevin
Весняна пропозиція від TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT Preparation Courses by Kevin
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