All The Classroom's a Stage: Feminism, Teaching, and the Art of Performance Teachers are really performers, classrooms are stages, and students the captivated audience. Dynamic, animated, and often unpredictable, Jyl Lynn Felman's approach to teaching breaks new ground, creating a rich and intellectual theater of ideas for her students.
This primer on the analysis of hedge funds offers investors a more quantitative understanding of this topic, providing a complete guide to portfolio techniques, asset allocation, performance measurement and product selection in the alternative investment world.
Measure for Measure - The New Cambridge Shakespeare, Updated
Since the rediscovery of Elizabethan stage conditions early in the twentieth century, admiration for Measure for Measure has steadily risen. It is now a favourite with the critics and has attracted widely different styles of performance. At one extreme, the play is seen as a religious allegory; at the other, it has been interpreted as a comedy protesting against power and privilege.