In this dazzling short meditation on the nature of human relationships, noted Bulgarian philosopher Tzvetan Todorov makes a scholarly yet readable contribution to contemporary debates about the self. Arguing that philosophic thought equated solitude with wholeness until Rousseau "formulated a new conception of man as a being who needs others," Todorov traces the evolution of Rousseau's idea in the modern era and contemporary ideology.
Specialised Dictionaries for Learners (Lexicographica. Series Maior)
The need for constructing a lexicographical theory with a particular focus on specialised dictionaries for learners is well documented in recent publications. This will imply paying attention to, at least, four basic lexicographic categories: learners; the learner's situation; the learner's needs; dictionary assistance.
Life Needs The Caribbean is an insiders guide to the best in Caribbean vacations. Whether you are in need of romantic beaches, family adventures or impressive cuisine, Life Needs The Caribbean is your resource for this season's deals on top destinations.
Living for the Weekday: What Every Employee and Boss Needs to Know about Enjoying Work and Life
"If you want to have a team where leaders and employees are working hand-in-hand to build a culture of employee engagement, then you need to read this book. I'm confident it will help you become a weekday warrior." —Jon Gordon bestselling author of The Energy Bus and Soup
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