In the USA, the number of college students with limited English proficiency is increasing. Even after successfully completing a course of English as a second language, many face both linguistic and cultural barriers in mainstream classes. This book focuses on both the theory and practice of assisting such students, especially in the sciences. As the number of non-native English speaking students increases at colleges and universities, innovative approaches are needed to successfully educate this population and how science is taught may be crucial. Instruction in the students' native language may become increasingly important in attracting and retaining non-native English speakers in college
Microalgae have been largely cultured and commercialized as food and feed additives, and their potential as source of high-added value compounds is well known. But, in contrast to the large number of genetically modified bacteria, yeast and even higher plants, only a few species of microalgae have been genetically transformed with efficiency. Initial difficulties in the expression of foreign genes in microalgae have been progressively overcome, and powerful molecular tools for their genetic engineering are now on hand. A considerable collection of promoters and selectable marker genes and an increasing number of genomic or cDNA sequences have become available in recent years.
The Black Death, or the Black Plague, was one of the most deadly pandemics in human history, widely thought to have been caused by a bacterium named Yersinia pestis. It probably began in Central Asia and spread to Europe by the late 1340s. The total number of deaths worldwide from the pandemic is estimated at 75 million people.
THE following collection of myths of the Thompson Indians has been in my hands for quite a number of years. Their publication has been delayed because it seemed desirable, on account of the large amount of mythological material brought together by the Jesup Expedition, to devote a whole volume and a complete discussion to this subject. Unfortunately this has not been possible; and it has been necessary to scatter the material in a number of publications, and much of it remains still unpublished. For this reason the present series is given without a detailed comparison, which would have to be repeated and expanded when the references to the unpublished material should become available.