This book is a wonderful source for students and teachers studying the Elizabethan Age. Readers can `live' within the age as they encounter recipes, clothing patterns, songs and games. Students will enjoy browsing through the pages and learning how much money a knight would have made, how some of the homes were constructed, and what type of shoe a lady might have worn. A typical day is explained in detail, as is each month of the year.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Making Natural Soaps
Soapmaking has always been a popular craft with a dedicated group of followers, but with the explosion of urban homesteading and people looking to go green, noncrafters are now joining in on the fun. Whether it's making natural soap to live greener, give as gifts, save money, or make money, The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Making Natural Soaps has everything the new soap maker will need to create organic, natural soaps of all kinds.
A perfect gift for young people going off to school or setting up a house for the first time, for adults suddenly forced to take responsibility for a modicum of cleanliness, or for experienced housekeepers who want to learn short-cuts and money-savers, this is the book that helps people get off to a clean start!
With a population in the millions and a monthly growth rate of 20 percent, Second Life? is a virtual 3-D world bursting with opportunities in areas like real estate, legal practice, and marketing, corporate connections, and people just like you. This all-in-one guide will show you, step by step, how to use Second Life as an alternative marketplace. Learn how to: -Create a cool avatar and connect with residents -Adapt your business for the virtual environment -Play for profit–and bring your dreams to life