New Zealand's leading lifestyle magazine that offers an opportunity to talk to and meet people who are stimulating, who have goals larger than their own satisfaction and who have dreams for the country that are exciting. Every issue features interesting New Zealanders living lives less ordinary, food and wine, travel and motoring, fashion and beauty, art and culture... everything you need in one magazine.
Making It Work: The Keys To Success For Young People Living Independently
Recent government legislation requires local authorities to provide secure accommodation for unintentionally homeless 16- and 17-year-olds. Many local authority housing departments are therefore facing the challenge of how to adequately support this group of young people for the first time. This book evaluates the extensive and innovative range of services that have been developed for 16- and 17-year-olds living in Newcastle.
"In this lucid and well-informed happiness guide, Samuel Franklin bridges the wisdom of Aristotle to the insights of today's psychological science. Kudos for this compelling vision of the truly good life - the intrinsically rewarding, emotionally intelligent, spiritually fulfilled life." - David G. Myers, Hope College, author of The Pursuit of Happiness "The author relates a very wide range of psychological theories and findings to eudaimonic living, citing sources from Albert Ellis to Mihaly Csikzentmihali to Abe Maslow.
STYLE AT HOME brings an exciting and stylish voice to the world of home decorating. It's the primary choice for Canadians who are interested in living in style.