In the small but wealthy town of Hamelin, a stranger with a wondrously magical pipe taught the rich but stupid townspeople a terrible, terrible lesson.
There was once a king whose daughter was wondrously beautiful. But she was as proud and haughty as she was beautiful. Find out how King Thrushbeard taught her a lesson and how she married him.
Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Students provides multiple opportunities to engage students and to teach them the skills necessary to excel in college-level, literature-based reading, thinking, discussion, and writing tasks. This supplement contains extended lessons for four selections from each unit in the Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature Student Edition. Each lesson focuses on a particular selection in the textbook. The lesson expands on an aspect of that selection, often in many cases taking students outside the textbook and connecting them with other pieces of literature or fields of study.
Althusser’s Lesson represents the foundations of Jacques Rancière’s theoretical project. It marks the moment at which he emerges from the tutelage of his mentor, Louis Althusser, and begins to outline the themes he will go on to develop in his later writings. Here Rancière is already working out a non-economic and non-Marxist understanding of politics.