Featuring the largest and most diverse range of sports of any comparable book-more than 200 in all-this up-to-date edition of The Sports Book presents information sourced from leading experts and sports-governing bodies around the world to give you the most comprehensive book on sports ever to hit the market.
BBC History - is the UK's best selling History magazine.
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Each issue is packed with a wide range of feature articles covering practical techniques for teaching, written by leading authors, experts and professionals. In each issue, we also provide reviews of the latest books and products, competitions, practical tips, and advice on personal and professional development.
English Teaching Professional issue 76 September 2011
This all-new guide to english is designed to be user-friendly. Its innovative A-to-Z dictionary format lets you find the answers to your questions about grammar, punctuation, and preferred usage quickly and easily. Simply look up the problem areas as you would look up a word in the dictionary. It's just that simple and time-saving. A glossary of terms and plentiful cross-references offer even more help when you need it. Created by a leading expert in linguistics and lexicography. Covers all essential areas of grammar and style. A key word index for fast access..