Verbix is designed for students of foreign languages who are tired of browsing grammar books, dictionaries, incomplete conjugation tables and other sources to find correct verb conjugations and spelling. Verbix shows verb inflections of verbs in 100+ languages. Unlike any other sources, Verbix for Windows also returns the glossary look-up form from any inflection; you no more need to know them by heart! Translations, synonyms and antonyms further helps in working with foreign languages. Maps and verbose explanations of the language give extra background information.
Kidepedia - Τ.31: Foreign languages and summer dialogues
Here you can listen and read the dialogues, learning basic phrases. Language learning pick and choose from the proposal (English, Spanish, German, Russian, Albanian, French, Italian, Chinese). Conversations occur in the selected language with the text and the translation into Greek.
Added by: saeedmg | Karma: 67.73 | Black Hole | 2 February 2013
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This thesis investigates the interaction of aspect and subjectivity in modal constructions. In the linguistic literature dealing with the connection between aspect and modality, a link has often been observed between imperfective aspect and modal readings. However, as is shown in this study, both aspect prominent languages, such as Slavic languages, and tense prominent languages, such as Germanic languages, present exceptions to this hypothesized rule, since perfective aspect can appear with modal readings in both types of languages.
Introduction to the Languages and the Theory Computation
Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation is an introduction to the theory of computation that emphasizes formal languages, automata and abstract models of computation, and computability; it also includes an introduction to computational complexity and NP-completeness. Through the study of these topics, students encounter profound computational questions and are introduced to topics that will have an ongoing impact in computer science. Once students have seen some of the many diverse technologies contributing to computer science, they can also begin to appreciate the field as a coherent discipline.