This book contains chapters that investigate children’s acquisition of different types of variation in the primary linguistic data (PLD) that they are exposed to. Natural languages often display word order variation that may at first sight seem like instances of optionality. The first collection of papers focussing on the acquisition of word order variation. The book contains papers addressing first language acquisition of a wide selection of languages.The papers discuss new child language data The volume provides new theoretical insights
Teacher Certification Study guide in English to Speakers of Other Languages for the state of Florida
The comprehensive guide includes 11 competency areas, everything from research-based models of ESOL education to the factors that affect ELL assessment. Practice for the real test with 119 sample questions, which include question rigor level and detailed answer rationales to help develop your understanding of the key concepts. Need certification success the first time? Get an XAMonline digital study guide and get results!
The Languages of Business: An International Perspective
The nine exploratory contributions to this compilation have one more characteristic in common. All of them end with a section of Practical Tips in which the authors present some of the more important cultural or business features that the practitioner has to take into account.
The 8 in 1 English Dictionary is an illustrated English dictionary on CD-rom that lets learners hear the correct English pronunciation of words. Translations and instructions in 12 languages This pronunciation dictionary helps students improve their pronunciation, reading comprehension, vocabulary and spelling abilities.
Sign language linguists show here that all questions relevant to the linguistic investigation of spoken languages can be asked about sign languages. Conversely, questions that sign language linguists consider - even if spoken language researchers have not asked them yet - should also be asked of spoken languages. The HSK handbook Sign Language aims to provide a concise and comprehensive overview of the state of the art in sign language linguistics.
Crucially, all topics are presented in a way that makes them accessible to linguists who are not familiar with sign language linguistics.