Aimed at students and professionals with an intermediate level of English, this highly accessible and practical new series is designed to activate effective communication skills in the workplace.
- Essential vocabulary and phrases are presented through short dialogues or texts
- Helpful language notes highlight and reinforce the key language points
- Enjoyable practice exercises consolidate language at the end of each unit
- Recordings of all the dialogues on CD provide useful speaking models Audio added for Technical English, thanks tojoseirdeto!
This two-book series was written specifically for English language learners and covers all the basic grammar topics for beginners. Contains clear and concise explanations of the rules and illustrates them with numerous examples. The "Did You Know?" and "Grammar Help" notes add further to the understanding of basic grammar. These books will give English language learners a clear understanding of core grammar skills and help lay a strong foundation for good English. Each book includes 150-pages plus of grammar examples and instruction.
The workshop series gives lower-intermediate students a practical foundation for the English they need in the real world.
You can use the self-contained lessons in the classroom or at home.
They include the authentic texts, skills practice, functional language, and vocabulary needed for all the important topics on a vocational school syllabus.
An extraordinary resource, encompassing a comprehensive breadth of major topics in all aspects of language and linguistics, the perspectives of leading scholars, and regional viewpoints from around the world! It does look to be an impressive undertaking, allright.
With over 3,000 articles and 39,000 references, this volume is vital to all college-level libraries as the most comprehensive language resource of its kind.