Penny Hancock - Just Good Friends Cambr. Readers Level 3, read by Eve Karpf
It's Stephany and Max's first holiday away together and they want to get to know each other. They go to Italy and stay at Stephany's friend Carlo's flat in a Mediterranean village. But Carlo's wife is not very happy to see Stephany - and the two couples find out why, and a lot of other things about each other, in a hot Italian summer.
Stargate OCRed
(Penguin Readers Level 3) In 1928 archaeologists found a mysterious stone with the inscription: 'A million years into the sky is Ra, Sun God.' Sixty years later in the USA, a young archaeologist, Daniel Jackson, finds a way to open the StarGate. What is on the other side? The teacher's factsheets and answers are added to the end of the file. Mirror added by visan!
The Leader's Guide to Lateral Thinking Skills: Powerful Problem-Solving Techniques to Ignite Your Team's Potential
At times when management literature abounds with dos and donts based on conventional wisdom, here is a powerful defender of the values of unconventional wisdom. Paul Sloane makes a strong case for innovation and lateral thinking in business, where doing new, different things in new, different ways is more important than doing the same things more efficiently. The book is rich with examples from the real world where creative thinking and action have led to astonishing successes (even after numerous failed attempts)and examples where conservatism and conventional thinking have led to obsolescence or catastrophe. The author argues that creative skills can and should be developed at the individual level, the team level and the company level and the book abounds with tips and techniques to help people and organizations expand their potential for innovation. Lateral thinking puzzles placed at the end of each chapter, help reinforce the fact that we all think "in boxes" with assumptions and preconceptions that do not always correspond to reality. An excellent book.
Black Beauty Penguin Readers - Level 2 (300 words)
"Always be good, so people will love you. Always work hard and do you best."
These were the words of Black Beauty's mother to her son whey they lived with Farmer Grey. But when Black Beauty grew up and his life changed, this was sometimes very difficult for him. Not everybody was as kind as Farmer Grey.