Read it yourself is a series of grade d readers designed to give young childre n a confident and successful start to reading.
Level 2 is for children who are familiar with some simple words and can read short sentences. Each story in this level contains frequently repeated phrases, which help children to read more fluently.
Read It Yourself is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading.
Level 1 is suitable for children who are making their first attempts at reading. The books are written in a very simple way using a small number of frequently repeated words. The sentences on each page are closely supported by pictures to help with reading, and offer lively details to talk about.
Click On is a five-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level. In full colour, the course combines active English language learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.
The books are kindly provided by panenka. Thank you very much, panenka, for your contribution!
Read It Yourself is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading.
Level 1 is suitable for children who are making their first attempts at reading. The books are written in a very simple way using a small number of frequently repeated words. The sentences on each page are closely supported by pictures to help with reading, and offer lively details to talk about. .
There are some other Baby Animals books on Englishtips, but this one is different.
Read It Yourself is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading.
Level 2 is for children who are familiar with some simple words and can read short sentences. Each story in this level contains frequently repeated phrases which help children to read more fluently. An interesting and detailed illustration accompanies every page, which aids understanding of the text and encourages interest and enjoyment.