Cicero in Letters: Epistolary Relations of the Late Republic
Cicero in Letters is a guide to the first extensive correspondence that survives from the Greco-Roman world. The more than eight hundred letters of Cicero that are its core pred literary models for subsequent letter writers from Pliny to Petrarch to Samuel Johnson and beyond. The collection also includes some one hundred letters by Cicero's contemporaries. The letters they exchanged pre unique insight into the experience of the Roman political class at the turning point between Republican and imperial rule.
1817 and 1818 have not been good years for Matthew Hervey. His beloved wife Henrietta is dead and he is no longer in the Sixth regiment. Now he is kicking his heels in a corrupt and unruly England far removed from its once glorious past. 1819 sees Hervey in Rome with his sister Elizabeth where a chance meeting with man of letters Percy Bysshe Shelley leads him to rethink his future.
Daily practice for a 36-week school year. Handwriting skills (traditional cursive!) Tasks include writing letters, words and sentences. Can be used in all grades.
From the 17th to the 12th centuries BCE, the five Great Kings of Egypt, Babylon, Hatti (the kingdom of the Hittites), Mitanni and Assyria ruled over vast, complex territories. One of the secrets to their control was frequent communication by letter. Many of these letters survive to the present day, offering fascinating insights into the people and politics of the ancient near Eastern kingdoms. Trevor Bryce uses the letters as the focus of a fresh look at this turbulent and volatile region in the late Bronze Age.