Understanding Risk Management And Compliance – January 2012
On December 2, 2011, we had the 10-year anniversary of Enron filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
This bankruptcy, which was at the time the largest in corporate history, led to the creation of new laws and regulations, including the Sarbanes Oxley Act.
The Sarbanes-Oxley act was enacted on July 30, 2002, less than a year after Enron filed for Chapter 11.
Scientific American is a popular science magazine published since August 28, 1845, which according to the magazine makes it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.
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Вы узнаете много интересного и полезного об истории, географии, культурных традициях и современной жизни Великобритании, США и других англоязычных странах. "School English" расскажет о мировых достижениях науки и техники, искусства и спорта, раскроет перед Вами удивительный мир растений и животных, а также поможет полезными советами о том, как сохранить и поддерживать здоровье. Любители современной западной культуры найдут на страницах издания свежую информацию о звездах музыки и кино.
The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores the close links between domestic and international issues, business, politics, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts. In addition to regular weekly content, Special Reports are published approximately 20 times a year, spotlighting a specific country, industry, or hot-button topic. The Technology Quarterly, published 4 times a year, highlights and analyzes new technologies that will change the world we live in.