Maximal Orders (London Mathematical Society Monographs New Series)
This is a reissue of a classic text, which includes the author's own corrections and provides a very accessible, self contained introduction to the classical theory of orders and maximal orders over a Dedekind ring. It starts wtih a long chapter that provides the algebraic prerequisites for this theory, covering basic material on Dedekind domains, localizations and completions as well as semisimple rings and separable algebras.
This classic work, now available in paperback, outlines the geometric aspects of algebraic equations, one of the oldest and most central subjects in mathematics. Recent decades have seen explosive growth in the more abstract side of algeraic geometry, with great emphasis on new basic techniques. This timely reissue complements these recent innovations, providing a much-needed background in such areas as plane curves, quadratic transformations, the geometry of line systems, and the projective characters of curves and surfaces.
Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Modern Physics
These notes are designed as a text book for a course on the Modern Physics Theory for undergraduate students. The purpose is providing a rigorous and self-contained presentation of the simplest theoretical framework using elementary mathematical tools. A number of examples of relevant applications and an appropriate list of exercises and answered questions are also given.
The Reformation was a seismic event in European history, one which left an indelible mark on the modern world. In this Very Short Introduction, Peter Marshall illuminates the causes and consequences of this pivotal movement in western Christianity. The Reformation began as an argument about what Christians needed to do to be saved, but rapidly engulfed society in a series of fundamental changes.
Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction
"If you want to know what anthropology is, look at what anthropologists do," write the authors of Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction. This engaging overview of the field combines an accessible account of some of the discipline's guiding principles and methodology with abundant examples and illustrations of anthropologists at work.